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Michael McCray speaking at TEDx Wilmington

stories are the
movies you live


Speaking Video

By leveraging his own incredible whistleblower journey, Michael McCray will help your audience harness the power of story for personal empowerment, spiritual enrichment and experience transformational change. Regardless of whether you are a whistleblower or bystander—Michael McCray’s transformational talk speaks about the power of story, the value of integrity, and the potential for every human being to contribute to society through advocacy.

Michael’s captivating signature talk, Be The Rock, will motivate, inspire and empower individuals of all faiths and backgrounds. Through his personal example of servant leadership, your audience will overcome isolation (mental health), build community (organizing), discover new business opportunities, or create new avenues for success.

Michael’s tell-it-like-it-is speaking style delivers impactful results for various audiences...
• Colleges & Universities will entertain, enlighten and inspire their students for future success
• Faith-based / Non-profit Associations will educate, motivate and empower their membership
• Businesses will improve morale and Save 5% of Top Line Revenue

Global Businesses lose over $4 Trillion to fraudulent transfers every year. Whistleblowers are 200% more effective in detecting fraud than external auditors. More importantly, businesses will improve their bottom line through Michael McCray’s transformative message about business ethics and corporate integrity.


Michael McCray speaking at TEDx Wilmington

Michael McCray

Michael McCray, Esq. CPA (inactive) is an alumnus of Georgetown Law, Howard University, American University and Florida A&M University. Michael combines Fortune 500 corporate experience and public interest advocacy by speaking on motivational topics, including whistleblower protection, business ethics and corporate integrity.

Michael served as a community economic development specialist and chief technology speaker for the Federal Empowerment Zones Program, a Clinton White House Economic Development Initiative. A featured speaker at White House Empowerment Zone conferences, regional enterprise and champion community meetings, Michael conducted individualized community development workshops and rural development training sessions across the country.

A former national board delegate for Georgia ACORN, Michael was the national spokesman for ACORN 8. These national board members blew the whistle on the multi-million dollar embezzlement at the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). His breakthrough book Race, Power & Politics—Memoirs of an ACORN Whistleblower tells the inside story of ACORN. An author, speaker and public interest advocate, Michael has made numerous media (radio and television) appearances, including CNN (Lou Dobbs Tonight) and FOX News (Glenn Beck Show). A highly sought-after public speaker, Michael makes memorable contributions to conferences, events and conventions that welcome his "tell-it-like-it-is" storytelling style and audience engagement.

Michaeal McCray speaker headshot


Building YOUR Empowerment Zone

A respected attorney and leading public advocate Michael McCray is the man with answers. Michael has worked hand in hand with the Clinton administration to build communities, develop small businesses and empower people. Michael has successfully secured funding anywhere from three to twenty million dollars for various groups and organizations—while simultaneously developing ways to leverage that money up to 15 times the original value. Michael has negotiated strategic partnerships to facilitate sustainability within multiple communities and shed light on unscrupulous partners' behavior, saving organizations millions of dollars.

Michael McCray is "worth his weight in gold" for his invaluable insights and experiences propelling life-changing organizations to new echelons of success. Michael McCray has a powerful message about organizing and advocacy that's changing businesses and communities across our great nation. Michael's book, Race, Power and Politics, The Inside Story of ACORN, is available nationally.

Michael McCray at mortgage fraud rally in Atlanta
Michael McCray and Donna Brazile at distinguished lecture series at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB)

Be The Rock… David & Goliath Leadership

Campuses across the county desperately need students who are unafraid to step up and initiate needed change for the benefit of the campus, the students, and their community. Raising up leaders of diversity, who are bold in thought, word and action is the responsibility of college campuses across the nation. So how can we establish the leaders of tomorrow; by creating leaders today who are unafraid to speak up and address critical issues? Everyone can't be rich. Not every body can be famous. But anyone can be great--because everyone can serve. Be The Rock… is a call to leadership and advocacy.

A respected attorney and leading public interest advocate, Michael McCray has a powerful message of leadership and diversity that is changing campuses across our great nation. He eloquently trains students to be unafraid to speak up and address today's important issues in a non-combative and culturally enlightened format. Michael's book, Race, Power and Politics, The Inside Story of ACORN, is available nationally.

VALUE the Whistleblower... Build Your BOTTOM LINE

Clandestine practices and shattered business ethics rule the marketplace, and the price for looking the other way is exorbitant. Those corporations who ignore employees and silence the voice of legitimate concern pay a high price for their lack of integrity. Through shortcuts and silencing techniques are rampant, the truth has a way of coming to light. Companies that practice integrity and are concerned with ethics may fear a negative bottom line increase—but the truth is just the opposite. Value The Whistleblower discusses who they are, where they come from, and why they risk everything in the pursuit of truth. But, more importantly, it describes how bad managers make good employees blow the whistle.

A respected attorney and leading public advocate, Michael McCray is a sought-after corporate speaker whose message of integrity, business ethics, and empowerment is changing the way America does business. Michael's presentations shed light on new and innovative ways to utilize employee observations and integrate corporations. Michael's breakthrough book, Race, Power & Politics, The Inside Story of ACORN, is available nationwide.

Michael McCray speaking at mortgage fraud rally in Atlanta park.

McCray offers a powerful thesis on the importance of education and individual empowerment to mobilizing at-risk communities for direct action, and passionately describes what happens when that process goes awry.


Dr. Linda Williams Willis

Director, Harris County Extension Service, Texas A&M System, Former Dean of Agriculture Prairie View A&M University

Michael McCray speaking in Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill.


Dr. Gloria Billingsley (Jackson State University)

You’ve got to go through the gory to get to the glory.” As educators, we have been guilty of sharing the “glory” side but not the “gory” side of whistleblowing. Michael McCray’s personal story on the betrayal he experienced for upholding the values of accountability and ethical conduct was enlightening.


Gloria J. Billingsley

Ph.D., Program Director, Department of Public Policy and Administration, Jackson State University

The Honorable J.C. Watts (U.S. House of Representatives)

Michael McCray deconstructs ACORN shenanigans from the LEFT in this groundbreaking memoir. His privative expose reveals an intriguing story of hypocrisy and deceit within a Democratic organization which is strong on substance and passion.


The Honorable J.C. Watts

United States House of Representatives

McCray writes with an absorbing you-are-there style to the reader feels like an eyewitness to the inglorious climax of ACORN’s fairy tale success at organizing communities to fearlessly confront and defeat banks, multinational corporations and others abusing power. He is a power speaker to be heard.


Tom Devine

Legal Director, Government Accountability Project

Tom Devine, Legal Director (Government Accountability Project)

The thing about listening to Michael McCray. Every time you speak to him, you learn something shocking. Not just something new, but something shocking. Something you want to ignore in society—that he won’t allow you to ignore.


Christopher Barkley

Co-founder / Advisory Producer, Bonsai Creative

Christopher Barkley, Advisory Producer (Bonsai Creative)

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Race, Power & Politics (Book Cover)
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Michael McCray speaking in Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill.

©2022 Michael McCray

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